Forschungsinstitut für
Nachhaltigkeit | am GFZ

Why Planetary Health can promote a more inclusive and durable pandemic recovery

One of the most important questions arising from the painful corona crisis is: how can we make the economic case for investing in a green, healthy and just recovery for people and the planet?

The COVID-19 pandemic offers many lessons, despite the early stage of global responses. For me, the most important one is the inevitable truth that we will not be able to promote an inclusive and durable recovery without addressing the root causes of this pandemic. While most of the public attention goes to a much awaited vaccine, there is also great value in understanding long-term and preventive measures. In this article, I highlight the Planetary health approach, which has the advantage of “multi-solving” several crises at once, such as the one linked to climate change, biodiversity, food systems, and social inequalities.





de Paula, N. (2020). Why Planetary Health can promote a more inclusive and durable pandemic recovery. Corona Sustainability Compass, 03.08.2020.

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